Get Involved

Opportunities for Partner Organizations

Partnership Benefits

Deepens customer appreciation and loyalty.

Engagement with young people.

Strengthens company’s social value in the community.

Increases staff pride.

Create and deliver shared messages.

Develops employees’ skills.

Ways to Work With Us

Sponsor one or more core program.
Corporate giving/matching program.
Cause marketing events.
Cause marketing/awareness campaigns.
Corporate donations.
To start a dialogue about how your company can partner with DreamsAfrica, please contact: Director, Funding and Investment on ….
Your donation will support DreamsAfrica’s work to empower young people in the villages and to give hope

Funding & Support

Sponsor a Mentee
Donate towards a Specific event

Supporter Membership Form
Be a gift that keeps giving… be a voice that instruct in wisdom, be a hand that lifts and be a heart that gifts in support of mentoring! We are in this Together.


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